Website Hacking, Penetration Testing & Bug Bounty Hunting Course

Website Hacking Course, Udemy Course Free Download, Website Hacking, Penetration Testing & Bug Bounty Hunting Course , Hacking Course free ,

 In the ever-evolving digital landscape, mastering the art of ethical hacking is crucial. Our exclusive course, Website Hacking Penetration Testing & Bug Bounty Hunting," is your gateway to understanding the intricacies of cybersecurity.

Course Overview:

Dive into the world of ethical hacking with a comprehensive curriculum designed for both beginners and seasoned enthusiasts.

Module Highlights:

1.Creating a Penetration Testing Lab:

Set up your virtual environment for hands-on practice.

2.Linux Basics:

Acquire fundamental skills in Linux for a solid foundation.

3.Website Basics:

Understand the structure and components of websites.

4.Information Gathering:

Explore techniques to gather valuable data about your target.

5.File Upload Vulnerabilities:

Learn how to identify and exploit file upload vulnerabilities.

6.Code Execution Vulnerabilities:

Delve into vulnerabilities that enable code execution.

7.LFI and RFI Vulnerabilities:

Understand Local File Inclusion and Remote File Inclusion vulnerabilities.

8.SQL Injection Vulnerabilities:

Uncover the world of SQL injection and its impact.

9.XSS Vulnerabilities:

Grasp Cross-Site Scripting vulnerabilities and their implications.

10.Insecure Session Management:

Analyze and exploit weaknesses in session management.

11.Brute Force & Dictionary Attacks:

Master the art of password attacks for penetration testing.

12.Discovering Vulnerabilities Automatically:

Explore tools for automated vulnerability discovery.

13.Post Exploitation:

Learn what to do after a successful penetration to maintain access.

14.Bonus Section:

Unlock additional insights and advanced techniques.

Course Benefits:
- 🛠️ Practical Labs: Hands-on experience in a simulated environment.
- 📚 In-Depth Knowledge: Gain profound insights into various vulnerabilities.
- 💼 Career Advancement: Enhance your skill set for a career in cybersecurity.

Price : ₹3199 💸
But Free 🆓 For You 💝

Embark on this educational journey and unravel the mysteries of website hacking. Enroll now to sharpen your ethical hacking skills and stay ahead in the dynamic world of cybersecurity! 🚀💻🔐

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